#068: Korankei (Semiweekly-pedia of Japan)


#068: Korankei (category: tourist site)

Korankei Japan

Korankei is one of the most popular koyo viewing spots (refer to #066) in Japan. The word "ko" in "Korankei" is "scent" in Japanese, "ran" is "fresh air in mountains", and "kei" is "valley", respectively. So, the name of this sightseeing spot "Korankei" literally means "the valley filled with scent and fresh air in mountains".

This valley is in Aichi-Kogen Quasi-National Park, belonging to Toyota City in Aichi Prefecture. Toyota City has the second largest population in the prefecture after Nagoya City (refer to #058). The name of the city derives from Toyota Motor Corporation, the biggest company in this country, which was founded and is still based here.


(Friday, November 22nd, 2013)    See Archive

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