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The Gifted Vol.5 - The Death In the North Ward

The Gifted Vol.5 - The Death In the North Ward

by Ryosuke Akizuki

Translator: Ryusui Seiryoin

Cover Illustration: SAKUMA, Makoto

Cover Design: SAKUMA, Makoto

Release Date: March 1, 2016

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* The collection of five stories including this work is also available.

About the Japanese version of this work, refer to the counterpart of our Japanese website.



A rumor on the Internet said, "Death lives in that hospital." Strange accidents and mysterious diseases were taking away lives in the north ward of City East General Hospital. Moreover, even a survivor of a suicide attempt out of despair, died right after that unnaturally. To investigate such a wicked series of incidents, Yoma Fialka, an exorcist, was dispatched to the hospital.

With the help of Yoma, an exotically beautiful girl and Milo's longtime friend, the four gifted found the traces of "The Death In the North Ward" behind the incidents. Can they overcome the most ominous adversary, who is capable of controlling the lives and deaths of people at will?

In the final chapter, the truths behind deaths are masterfully unraveled with the "Logic of Death". The startling ending will rock the readers' perspective of life and death, and will open the gate to the world full of wonders and menaces!

This is the latest pinnacle of "The Gifted" series, by Ryosuke Akizuki, a gifted storyteller.

This work was exclusively written for The BBB: Breakthrough Bandwagon Books.

Works List at The BBB

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