#376: Expo Commemoration Park (Semiweekly-pedia of Japan)


#376: Expo Commemoration Park (category: park)

Expo Commemoration Park

The Expo Commemoration Park is the site of Expo '70. Almost all the pavilions were removed after Expo '70, but the Tower of the Sun (refer to #375), the symbol of the exposition, has been standing at the original spot.

Currently, there are a huge Japanese garden, natural and cultural gardens, Expo '70 Pavilion, some sports and recreation facilities, and so on. You can get there by taking the Osaka Monorail (refer to #374).

Expo Commemoration Park Japan

(Friday, November 4th, 2016)    See Archive

#375: Tower of the Sun <<          >> #377: Tsurumi Ryokuchi

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