#551: Ohura Tenshudoh (Semiweekly-pedia of Japan)


#551: Ohura Tenshudoh (category: church)

Ohura Tenshudoh

Ohura Tenshudoh, or the Basilica of the Twenty-Six Holy Martyrs of Japan, is the oldest among the existing catholic churches in this country. It is located close to Nagasaki Port (refer to #126) and next to the Glover Garden (refer to #511).

The word "tenshu" means "Lord" in English and "doh" is "shrine", respectively. This church is one of national treasures and a factor of "Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region", a UNESCO World Heritage Site newly listed in 2018.

Ohura Tenshudoh Japan

(Monday, July 9th, 2018)    See Archive

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