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Girl recruits her God: Chapters 8-11

Girl recruits her God: Chapters 8-11

by Ami Sakurai

Translator: Nobu Nakagawa

Cover Photo: Ami Sakurai

Cover Design: Ami Sakurai

Release Date: April 20, 2016

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* The collection of two stories including this work is also available.

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Yuri, a Japanese female high school student, has been haunted since her childhood days by a persistent mental trauma, which was caused by being left in a sun-heated car by her mother, who was having an illicit love affair at that time. Later, Yuri encountered a man named Makigami, who was once her mother's extramarital lover. He introduced himself as a 'healer', and she eventually got herself involved in the shady business.

Makigami is having high school girls work as prostitutes while providing them with the 'therapy'. Yuri's mind starts wavering between Makigami and Kenji, her classmate who is fervently waiting for her. In order to escape from the trauma that has altered her destiny, she decides to take a dangerous gamble. Meanwhile, Kenji, whom she is falling in love with for the first time, has a secret that has yet to be told.

Can Yuri, the most ferocious and the purest high school girl, escape from the cage of destiny and be reunited with Kenji?

This is the latter half of the work, which was originally published in 1997 from Gentosha Inc.

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