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freeMomo's Journey In Japan Vol.1

Momo's Journey In Japan Vol.1

by Momo

Translator: Tanya

Cover Design: Tanya

Release Date: July 30, 2017

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Momo is a female Shiba dog.

After the two-year journey to tour the World Heritage Sites on the globe (refer to the "Momo Meets the World Heritage Sites" series), she came back to Japan, her home country. Then, this time she had decided to visit the World Heritage Sites in Japan more thoroughly.

She started her new journey at the Ministry of the Environment and the Agency for Cultural Affairs, both of which were the governmental organizations choosing articles to be recommended for World Heritage Site. Memorably, the National Museum of Western Art had become a newly listed one just around the time when she visited it in 2016. At Ogasawara Islands, she could experience various interesting activities. In Nara, she even joined a fire drill. At Himeji Castle, she accidentally showed her strange expression. At Shirakami Sanchi and at Yakushima, she met good friends.

The actual maps and the related links are also included for your reference.

Momo's new adventure has just started.

This work was exclusively created for The BBB: Breakthrough Bandwagon Books.

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