eBooks: Details

The Gifted Vol.4 - The Phantom of Gemini

The Gifted Vol.4 - The Phantom of Gemini

by Ryosuke Akizuki

Translator: Ryusui Seiryoin

Cover Illustration: SAKUMA, Makoto

Cover Design: SAKUMA, Makoto

Release Date: May 28, 2015

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* The collection of five stories including this work is also available.

About the Japanese version of this work, refer to the counterpart of our Japanese website.



Priyasha Nehru was visited by a woman, who had exactly the same figure as hers. It was not Lavanya, her twin sister, but someone else. In the video footage showing two Priyashas, one stabbed the other. As Lavanya entered the room, she witnessed the shocking scene. Did a 'gifted' commit the murder?

In City, Riccardo Albani was investigating the serial murder cases, in which only the elders of twins were killed. He and Milo, his friend, were seen using a gift by his coworker, and their secrets were not safe anymore. In the meantime, a mysterious prisoner broke out of jail, and he was entrapping Milo and his friends to prevent them from learning too much about the serial murders ...

The author Ryosuke Akizuki artfully mesmerizes the readers with his gift in this fourth installment (Vol.4) of "The Gifted" series.

This work was exclusively written for The BBB: Breakthrough Bandwagon Books.

Works List at The BBB

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