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freeThe Sifted Vol.1: Episode 001-009

The Sifted Vol.1: Episode 001-009

by Ryosuke Akizuki

Translator: Ryosuke Akizuki

Photographs: Ryosuke Akizuki

Cover Design: Tanya

Release Date: November 28, 2015

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This work "The Sifted" is a spin-off product from "The Gifted", a series of mysteries written by Ryosuke Akizuki. In "The Sifted", the author talks about characteristics and appeals of restaurants where he actually visited, with the main characters of "The Gifted".

Milo, a charismatic, beautiful boy with platinum blonde hair, is in charge of ramen noodles.
Saya, an Asian girl shouldering a sad past, is entrusted with reviewing Japanese cuisine.
Chloe, a big sister-like attractive woman who likes to oblige others, is for Western food.
Riccardo, a cheerful, handsome womanizer, is asked to comment on Chinese dishes contrary to his wishes.

The term "the gifted" means "those having preternatural power" and "the sifted" indicates "selected things", respectively.

We hope you like both series equally.

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