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freeThe Sifted Vol. 10: Episode 085-094

The Sifted Vol. 10: Episode 085-094

by Ryosuke Akizuki

Translator: Ryosuke Akizuki

Photographs: Ryosuke Akizuki

Cover Design: Tanya

Release Date: August 29, 2021

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This eBook is basically FREE. But some online bookstores can charge for it. About the Japanese version of this work, refer to the counterpart of our Japanese website.



This book, the tenth installment of "The Sifted", contains 10 episodes (5 restaurants and 5 categories of self-catering).

At first, the author Akizuki planned to review restaurants only in Kyoto in all the categories (Ramen, Japanese cuisine, Western cuisine, Chinese cuisine, and Curry) in The Sifted series. However, since his visit was at the end of the year, all the curry restaurants were closed, and the project fell through. Furthermore, the spread of COVID-19 makes it increasingly difficult for him to eat out, and he is faced with a new predicament: a dwindling stock of restaurants he has already covered.

Meanwhile, as a painstaking effort, Akizuki has decided to start the first self-catering series of "The Sifted". Going through various trials and errors, what kind of food will he serve to his characters?

The serial articles of The Sifted posted on The BBB Facebook page last for more than 330 weeks without a break. How far can he extend this record during the unprecedented pandemic? Anyway, he continues his free, willful wandering for attractive dishes ...

Works List at The BBB

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