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freeThe Sifted Vol.7: Episode 055-062

The Sifted Vol.7: Episode 055-062

by Ryosuke Akizuki

Translator: Ryosuke Akizuki

Photographs: Ryosuke Akizuki

Cover Design: Tanya

Release Date: December 10, 2018

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     The BBB PDF     The BBB ePub

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The author Akizuki is worried about the stock of the restaurants to be reviewed is getting low, because he has recently been too busy to make time for searching for new good restaurants. Now, he has come up with the idea to feature the good restaurants in Odawara, his home ground, to save time for research.

With Saya, Akizuki goes to a quality Kappo (Japanese cuisine) restaurant. For Chloe, he chooses a French restaurant to review Western food. Then, for Riccardo, he selected a French-like Chinese full-course meal. This Odawara series seems to require greater expense than usual. By the way, what do Milo and Yoma think about it? They are in charge of reviewing Ramen and Curry, common food for general public, respectively.

Frightened of the sanctions by Milo and the demand for budget increase from Yoma, Akizuki try to run away. Can he live a peaceful life sometime in the future?

Still, he continues his free, willful wandering for attractive dishes ...

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