eBooks: Details

Urban Legend Detectives

Urban Legend Detectives

by Kyosuke Tsumiki

Translator: Ryusui Seiryoin

Cover Illustration: Maki Takeuchi (Cases 1-5)

Cover Design: Tanya (Cases 1, 6 and the complete edition), Maki Takeuchi (Cases 1-5)

Release Date: May 29, 2022

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Known as the "King of Urban Legends," authentic mystery writer Kyosuke Tsumiki spent ten years attempting to create a blessed marriage between urban legends and authentic mystery novels in his epic story, "Urban Legend Detectives." This book is the complete edition of the work, including all its incidents from Case 1 to Case 6, the concluding volume.

Facing human insanity head-on and getting to the root of this nightmare, Mr. Tsumiki's writing style relentlessly exposes the darkness of the ugly world and thoroughly depicts it. For readers who feel discomfort, dissatisfaction, and resentment with this world, this book can be a superb brew that purifies the soul.

All the incidents are solved logically and clearly.
And what awaits you, the reader, at the shocking end: God or the devil …?

Dedicated to all lovers of urban legends and authentic mystery novels, this is the lifetime work of Mr. Kyosuke Tsumiki.

The following works are included in this collection.
"Urban Legend Detectives Case 1: The Merry's Mail"
"Urban Legend Detectives Case 2: Solitary Hide and Seek"
"Urban Legend Detectives Case 3: The Kunekune (Dancing White Shadow)"
"Urban Legend Detectives Case 4: The Samejima Case"
"Urban Legend Detectives Case 5: Seven Wonders At School Vol. 1"
"Urban Legend Detectives Case 5: Seven Wonders At School Vol. 2"
"Urban Legend Detectives Case 5: Seven Wonders At School Vol. 3"
"Urban Legend Detectives Case 6: Friend of a Friend"

This work was exclusively written for The BBB: Breakthrough Bandwagon Books.

Works List at The BBB

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