MORI, Hiroshi
Japanese Novelist, Doctor of Engineering, and Modeler
He was born in 1957. While working in Nagoya University as Associate Professor, his debut novel won the 1st Mephisto Prize in 1996. After that, he has written prolifically not only novels but essays, picture books, and poetry books. Having published more than 300 books so far, he is regarded as one of the most popular Japanese novelists.(In 2010, he was selected as one of "20 Hall of Fame Authors during the last decade" by
Also, Dr. Mori is well-known in the field of concrete technology (his major) and railway model (his hobby).
Works List at The BBB
Jack the Poetical Private: Chapters 1-3
Mathematical Goodbye
Mathematical Goodbye: Chapters 8-11
Mathematical Goodbye: Chapters 4-7
Mathematical Goodbye: Chapters 1-3
Doctors In the Isolated Room
Doctors In the Isolated Room: Chapters 9-13
Doctors In the Isolated Room: Chapters 5-8
Doctors In the Isolated Room: Chapters 1-4
The Perfect Insider
The Perfect Insider: Chapters 8-11
The Perfect Insider: Chapters 4-7
The Perfect Insider: Chapters 1-3
Sky Eclipse
Sky Eclipse: Episodes 7-8
Sky Eclipse: Episodes 4-6
Sky Eclipse: Episodes 1-3
Cradle the Sky
Cradle the Sky: Episode 4, Epilogue
Cradle the Sky: Episode 2, Episode 3
Cradle the Sky: Prologue, Episode 1
Flutter Into Life
Flutter Into Life: Episode 4, Epilogue
Flutter Into Life: Episode 2, Episode 3
Flutter Into Life: Prologue, Episode 1
Down to Heaven
Down to Heaven: Episode 4, Epilogue
Down to Heaven: Episode 2, Episode 3
Down to Heaven: Prologue, Episode 1
None But Air
None But Air: Episode 4, Epilogue
None But Air: Episode 2, Episode 3
None But Air: Prologue, Episode 1
How to Make a Simple Gyro Monorail
Theories and Experiments for Gyro Monorails
The Sky Crawlers
The Sky Crawlers: Episode 4, Episode 5, Epilogue
The Sky Crawlers: Episode 2, Episode 3
The Sky Crawlers: Prologue, Episode 1
Seven Stories
Which Is the Witch?
The Rooftop Ornaments of Stone Ratha
Silent Prayer In Empty
I'm In Debt to Akiko
A Pair of Hearts
The Girl Who Was the Little Bird
Works List in Japan
↓Check the latest work at the bottom of the page.
01. The Perfect Insider
Kodansha Novels / April, 199602. Doctors in Isolated Room
Kodansha Novels / July, 199603. Mathematical Goodbye
Kodansha Novels / September, 199604. Jack the Poetical Private
Kodansha Novels / January, 199705. Who Inside
Kodansha Novels / April, 199706. Missing under the Mistletoe
Kodansha Novels / July, 199707. Illusion Acts Like Magic
Kodansha Novels / October, 199708. Replaceable Summer
Kodansha Novels / January, 199809. Switch Back
Kodansha Novels / April, 199810. Numerical Models
Kodansha Novels / July, 199811. The Perfect Outsider
Kodansha Novels / October, 199812. The Perfect Insider
Kodansha Bunko / December, 199813. A Slice of Terrestrial Globe
Kodansha Novels / January, 199914. Doctors in Isolated Room
Kodansha Bunko / March, 199915. MORI Hiroshi's Mystery Workshop
Media Factory / March, 199916. Delta in the Darkness
Kodansha Novels / May, 199917. Until Death Do Us Part
Sinchosha / June, 199918. Mathematical Goodbye
Kodansha Bunko / July, 199919. Shape of Things Human
Kodansha Novels / September, 199920. Jack the Poetical Private
Kodansha Bunko / November, 199921. The Sound Walks When the Moon Talks
Kodansha Novels / January, 200022. I say Essay Everyday
Gentosha / January, 200023. Who Inside
Kodansha Bunko / March, 200024. You May Die in My Show
Kodansha Novels / May, 200025. God Save the Queen
Gentosha / June, 200026. Missing under the Mistletoe
Kodansha Bunko / July, 200027. I say Essay Everyday 2
Gentosha / July, 200028. Cockpit on Knife Edge
Kodansha Novels / September, 200029. Illusion Acts Like Magic
Kodansha Bunko / November, 200030. Replaceable Summer
Kodansha Bunko / November, 200031. The ordinary of Dr. Mizukaki
Gentosha / December, 200032. The Last Dive to Parachute Museum
Kodansha Novels / January, 200133. Switch Back
Kodansha Bunko / March, 200134. Free Questions and Appropriate Answers
Shueisha Shinsho / April, 200135. A Sea of Deceits
Kodansha Novels / May, 200136. The Sky Crawlers
Chuokoron-shinsha / June, 200137. Falling Ropewalkers
Shueisha / June, 200138. I say Essay Everyday 3
Gentosha / June, 200139. Numerical Models
Kodansha Bunko / July, 200140. Six Supersonic Scientists
Kodansha Novels / September, 200141. Until Death Do Us Part
Kodansha Novels / November, 200142. The Perfect Outsider
Kodansha Bunko / November, 200143. Isoparametric
Kodansha / November, 200144. MORI Hiroshi's Mystery Workshop
Kodansha Bunko / December, 200145. God Save the Queen
Gentosha Novels / December, 200146. I say Essay Everyday
Gentosha Bunko / December, 200147. The Riddle in Torsional Nest
Kodansha Novels / January, 200248. A Slice of Terrestrial Globe
Kodansha Bunko / March, 200249. Rot off and Drop away
Kodansha Novels / May, 200250. You Will Dream While I Think
PHP Institute / June, 200251. Delta in the Darkness
Kodansha Bunko / July, 200252. Wife at Network
Media Factory / July, 200253. I say Essay Everyday 2
Gentosha Bunko / August, 200254. Red Green Black and White
Kodansha Novels / September, 200255. Free Questions and Appropriate Answers 2
Shueisha Shinsho / September, 200256. The Sky Crawlers
C Novels / October, 200257. Fables of Captain Trouble and Cat
Kodansha / October, 200258. A cat of Architect
Kobunsha / October, 200259. Shape of Things Human
Kodansha Bunko / November, 200260. Until Death Do Us Part
Shincho Bunko / December, 200261. A Space under Discussion
PHP Institue / December, 200262. Inverse of Void Matrix
Kodansha Novels / January, 200363. The ordinary of Dr. Mizukaki
Gentosha Novels / February, 200364. I say Essay Everyday 4
Gentosha / February, 200365. The Sound Walks When the Moon Talks
Kodansha Bunko / March, 200366. MORI Hiroshi's Floating Laboratory
Media Factory / March, 200367. 100 MORI Hiroshies
Media Factory / March, 200368. Falling Ropewalkers
Shueisha Novels / April, 200369. God Save the Queen
Gentosha Bunko / June, 200370. Anti House
Chuokoron-shinsha / June, 200371. Labyrinth in ARm of Morpheus
Shinchosha / June, 200372. Mateki
PHP Institute / July, 200373. Miniature Garden Railway
Chuokoron-shinsha / July, 200374. You May Die in My SHow
Kodansha Bunko / July, 200375. I say Essay Everyday 3
Gentosha Bunko / August, 200376. The Four seasons: Green Spring
Kodansha Novels / September, 200377. MORI Hiroshi's Floating Laboratory 2
Media Factory / October, 200378. ZOKU
Kobunsha / October, 200379. Salamander
Chuokoron-shinsha / November, 200380. The Four Seasons: Red Summer
Kodansha Novels / November, 200381. Cockpit on Knife Edge
Kodansha Bunko / November, 200382. The Four Seasons: White Autumn
Kodansha Novels / January, 200483. God Save the Queen
Shincho Bunko / February, 200484. I say Essay Everyday 4
Gentosha Bunko / February, 200485. The Four Seasons
Kodansha / February, 200486. The Four Seasons: Black Winter
Kodansha Novels / March, 200487. The Last Dive to Parachute Museum
Kodansha Bunko / March, 200488. Labyrinth in Arm of Morpheus
Gentosha Novels / March, 200489. MORI Hiroshi's Floating Laboratory 3
Media Factory / March, 200490. His name is Earl
Kodansha / April, 200491. I say Essay Everyday 5
Gentosha / April, 200492. Falling Ropewalkers
Shueisha Bunko / May, 200493. None But Air
Chuokoron-shinsha / June, 200494. A sea of Deceits
Kodansha Bunko / July, 200495. Under Construction forever
Shueisha / July, 200496. Miniature Garden Railway 2
Chuokoron-shinsha / August, 200497. Gathering the pointed Wits
PHP Institute / September, 200498. Human could be Thinking F
Kodansha / September, 200499. Path connected φ broke
Kodansha Novels / September, 2004100. ZOKU
Kappa Novels / October, 2004101. The Sky Crawlers
Chuko Bunko / October, 2004102. None But Air
C Novels / October, 2004103. STAR EGG
Bungeishunju / November, 2004104. Six Supersonic Scientists
Kodansha Bunko / November, 2004105. MORI Hiroshi's Floating Laboratory 4
Media Factory / November, 2004106. Dragon
Chuokoron-shinsha / November, 2004107. The ordinary of Dr. Mizukaki
Gentosha Bunko / December, 2004108. The Hesitation of Dr. Mizukaki
Gentosha / December, 2004109. Wife at Network
Kodansha Novels / January, 2005110. Miniature Garden Railway 3
Chuokoron-shinsha / March, 2005111. The Riddle in Torsional Nest
Kodansha Bunko / March, 2005112. A phenomenon among students
Kadokawa Shoten / April, 2005113. Another playmate θ
Kodansha Novels / May, 2005114. Labyrinth in Arm of Morpheus
Shincho Bunko / May, 2005115. You Will Dream While I Think
PHP Bunko / June, 2005116. Down to Heaven
Chuokorn-shinsha / June, 2005117. Rot off an Drop away
Kodansha Bunko / July, 2005118. MORI Hiroshi's Floating Laboratory 5
Media Factory / July, 2005119. Please stay until τ
Kodansha Novels / September, 2005120. Let's talk about a university
Chuko Shinsho La Clef / October, 2005121. The Spirits of Tools
Nikkei Business Publications / October, 2005122. Red Green Black and White
Kodansha Bunko / November, 2005123. 100 MORI Hiroshies
Media Factory Bunko / November, 2005124. None But Air
Chuko Bunko / November, 2005125. Down to Heaven
C Novels / December, 2005126. Lettuce Fry
Kodansha Novels / January, 2006127. The Hesitation of Dr. Mizukaki
Gentosha Novels / January, 2006128. I say Essay Everyday 5
Gentosha Bunko / February, 2006129. Isoparametric
Kodansha Bunko / March, 2006130. Fables of Captain Trouble and Cat
Kodansha Bunko / March, 2006131. MORI LOG ACADEMY 1
Media Factory Bunko / March, 2006132. Swearing in solemn ε
Kodansha Novels / May, 2006133. The Leisurely Life with Toys and Models
Shogakukan / June, 2006134. MORI LOG ACADEMY 2
Media Factory Bunko / June, 2006135. Flutter into Life
Chuokoron-shinsha / June, 2006136. Inverse of Void Matrix
Kodansha Bunko / July, 2006137. An Automation in Long Sleep
Media Factory / August, 2006138. Eccentric persons are in stock
Bungeishunju / August, 2006139. λ has no teeth
Kodansha Novels / September, 2006140. MORI LOG ACADEMY 3
Media Factory Bunko / September, 2006141. ZOKU
Kobunsha Bunko / October, 2006142. STAR SALAD
Bungeishunju / October, 2006143. A phenomenon among students
Kadokawa Novels / October, 2006144. The Four Seasons: Green Spring
Kodansha Bunko / November, 2006145. The Four Seasons: Red Summer
Kodansha Bunko / November, 2006146. The Four Seasons
Kodansha Bunko / November, 2006147. Down to Heaven
Chuko Bunko / November, 2006148. A Cat of Architect
Kobunsha Bunko / December, 2006149. MORI LOG ACADEMY 4
Media Factory Bunko / December, 2006150. The Four Seasons: White Autumn
Kodansha Bunko / December, 2006151. The Four Seasons: Black Winter
Kodansha Bunko / December, 2006152. Dreamily in spite of η
Kodansha Novels / January, 2007153. MATEKI
Chuko Bunko / February, 2007154. Human could be Thinking F
Kodansha Bunko / March, 2007155. MORI LOG ACADEMY 5
Media Factory Bunko / March, 2007156. Wife at Network
Media Factory Bunko / April, 2007157. DAY & NIGHT
Chuokoron-shinsha / April, 2007158. Peekaboo
Kodansha Novels / May, 2007159. Flutter into Life
C Novels / May, 2007160. MORI LOG ACADEMY 6
Media Factory Bunko / June, 2007161. Cradle the Sky
Chuokoron-shinsha / June, 2007162. The Leisurely Life with Toys and Models
Kodansha Bunko / July, 2007163. ZOKUDAM
Kobunsha / July, 2007164. Zola with a blow and goodbye
Shueisha / August, 2007165. Cutthroat
Kodansha Novels / September, 2007166. MORI LOG ACADEMY 7
Media Factory Bunko / September, 2007167. The Hesitation of Dr. Mizukaki
Gentosha Bunko / October, 2007168. Cradle the Sky
C Novels / October, 2007169. His name is Earl
Kodansha Novels / November, 2007170. Eccentric persons are in stock
Bunshun Novels / November, 2007171. Path connected φ broke
Kodansha Bunko / November, 2007172. Flutter into Life
Chuko Bunko / November, 2007173. STAR EGG
Bunshun Bunko / November, 2007174. MORI LOG ACADEMY 8
Media Factory Bunko / December, 2007175. Incombustibles
Kadokawa Shoten / December, 2007176. Crucifixion
Kodansha Novels / January, 2008177. Under Construction forever
Shueisha Bunko / January, 2008178. The Spirits of Tools
Chuko Bunko / February, 2008179. MORI LOG ACADEMY 9
Media Factory Bunko / March, 2008180. Another playmate θ
Kodansha Bunko / March, 2008181. The Nirvana of Dr. Mizukaki
Gentosha / April, 2008182. Cradle the Sky
Chuko Bunko / April, 2008183. A phenomenon among students
Kadokawa Bunko / April, 2008184. Transcendence of Ginga Estate Agency
Bungeishunju / May, 2008185. MORI LOG ACADEMY 10
Media Factory Bunko / June, 2008186. Sky Eclipse
Chuokoron-shinsha / June, 2008187. An Automation in Long Sleep
Kodansha Novels / July, 2008188. Please stay until τ
Kodansha Bunko / July, 2008189. ZOKUDAM
Kappa Novels / July, 2008190. Garden Railway Life
Kodansha / July, 2008191. Which is the Witch?
Kodansha / August, 2008192. I'm in Debt to Akiko
Kodansha / August, 2008193. Disinfectant α for the eyes
Kodansha Novels / September, 2008194. MORI LOG ACADEMY 11
Media Factory Bunko / September, 2008195. A space under Discussion
Kodansha Bunko / October, 2008196. His name is Earl
Kodansha Bunko / November, 2008197. Sky Eclipse
C Novels / November, 2008198. Incombustibles
Kadokawa Novels / December, 2008199. DR.MORI's Soft-boiled Seminar
Kodansha / December, 2008200. MORI LOG ACADEMY 12
Media Factory Bunko / December, 2008201. Zola with a blow and goodbye
Kodansha Novels / February, 2009202. Sky Eclipse
Chuko Bunko / February, 2009203. DOG & DOLL
FM Tokyo / March, 2009204. Lettuce Fry
Kodansha Bunko / March, 2009205. MORI LOG ACADEMY 13
Media Factory Bunko / March, 2009206. ZOKURANGER
Kobunsha / April, 2009207. You Will Dream While I Think
Kodansha Bunko / May, 2009208. Eccentric persons are in stock
Bunshun Bunko / June, 2009209. Thoughtless Acts? (*translation)
Ohta Shuppan / June, 2009210. Which is the Witch?
Kodansha Bunko / July, 2009211. I'm in Debt to Akiko
Kodansha Bunko / July, 2009212. Steam in the Garden
Kodansha / July, 2009213. Lost heart for Thoma (*novelization)
Media Factory / July, 2009214. An Automation in Long Sleep
Media Factory Bunko / August, 2009215. Transcendence of Ginga Estate Agency
Kodansha Novels / September, 2009216. STAR SALAD
Bunshun Bunko / November, 2009217. Swearing on solemn ε
Kodansha Bunko / November, 2009218. Creating Freedom, Living Freely
Shueisha Shinsho / November, 2009219. The Nirvana of Dr. Mizukaki
Gentosha Novels / December, 2009220. ZOKUDAM
Kobunsha Bunko / January, 2010221. Sense of Creation, Thought of Craft
Shueisha Shinsho / February, 2010222. TRUCK & TROLL
FM Tokyo / March, 2010223. λ has no teeth
Kodansha Bunko / March, 2010224. The Profession of Novelist
Shueisha Shinsho / June, 2010225. Dreamily in spite of η
Kodansha Bunko / August, 2010226. ZOKURAGER
Kappa Novels / August, 2010227. Zora with a blow and goodbye
Shueisha Bunko / August, 2010228. Peekaboo
Kodansha Bunko / September, 2010229. Lost heart for Thoma (*novelization)
Kodansha Novels / October, 2010230. The Silent World of Dr. Kishima
Kodansha / October, 2010231. Gathering the Pointed Wits
Kodansha Bunko / November, 2010232. Incombustibles
Kadokawa Bunko / December, 2010233. DR.MORI's Soft-boiled Seminar
Kodansha Bunko / January, 2011234. Self-discovery and Pleasure
Shueisha Shinsho / February, 2011235. Cutthroat
Kodansha Bunko / March, 2011236. The Void Shaper
Chuokoron Shinsha / April, 2011237. What "scientific" means?
Gentosha Shinsho / June, 2011238. DOG & DOLL
Kodansha Bunko / July, 2011239. ZOKURANGER
Kobunsha Bunko / August, 2011240. The cream of the notes
Kodansha / September, 2011241. 100 MORI Hiroshies
Kodansha Bunko / September, 2011242. The Nirvana of Dr. Mizukaki
Gentosha Bunko / October, 2011243. Transcendence of Ginga Estate Agency
Kodansha Bunko / November, 2011244. The Lost Cat
Kobunsha / December, 2011245. Running in the Blood
Gentosha / February, 2012246. Crucifixion
Kodansha Bunko / March, 2012247. The Blood Scooper
Chuokoron-shinsha / April, 2012248. Lost heart for Thoma
Media Factory Bunko / April, 2012249. Experimental experience
Kodansha / May, 2012250. TRUCK & TROLL
Kodansha Bunko / June, 2012251. 100 lectures on the contract honesty
Daiwa Shobo / July, 2012252. The cream of the notes
Kodansha Bunko / September, 2012253. Jig β known Heaven
Kodansha Novels / November, 2012254. Disinfectant α for the eyes
Kodansha Bunko / December, 2012255. How should we think about various matters?
Sincho Sensho / March, 2013256. The Skull Breaker
Chuokoron-shinsha / April, 2013257. The Void Shaper
Chuko Bunko / April, 2013258. The Illusion of "Challenging Jobs"
Asahi Shinsho / May, 2013259. Dieu aime Lion
Gentosha / June, 2013260. Lady Scarlet Eyes and Her Deliquescence
Kodansha / July, 2013261. 100 lectures for fostering thought
Daiwa Shobo / August, 2013262. 100 lectures on the contrary honesty
Daiwa Bunko / September, 2013263. The Silent World of Dr. Kishima
Kodansha Bunko / October, 2013264. Kiwi γ in Clockwork
Kodansha Novels / November, 2013265. The cream of the notes 2
Kodansha Bunko / December, 2013266. The Blood Scooper
Chuko Bunko / April, 2014267. The Fog Hider
Chuokoron-shinsha / April, 2014268. Reminiscence
Kodansha Novels / June, 2014269. Experimental experience
Kodansha Bunko / July, 2014270. 100 lectures by sober observation
Daiwa Shobo / August, 2014271. 100 lectures for fostering thought
Daiwa Bunko / September, 2014272. Explosive
Kodansha Novels / November, 2014273. The Value of Solitude
Gentosha Shinsho / November, 2014274. Running in the Blood
Gentosha Bunko / December, 2014275. The cream of the notes 3
Kodansha Bunko / December, 2014276. Only the Darkness or Her Kiss
Shueisha / January, 2015277. The Skull Breaker
Chuko Bunko / March, 2015278. The Mind Quencher
Chuokoron-shinsha / April, 2015279. 100 lectures to see through essence
Daiwa Shobo / July, 2015280. 100 lectures by sober observation
Daiwa Bunko / August, 2015281. Jig β knows Heaven
Kodansha Bunko / October, 2015282. Does She Walk Alone?
Kodansha Bunko / October, 2015283. The shadow of Idea
Chuokoron-shinsha / November, 2015284. The Balance of Authors
Gentosha Shinsho / November, 2015285. The cream of the notes 4
Kodansha Bunko / October, 2015286. What Color Is the Magic?
Kodansha Bunko / January, 2016287. The Fog Hider
Chuko Bunko / March, 2016288. Dieu aime Lion
Gentosha Bunka / April, 2016289. The Tragedy of χ
Kodansha Novels / May, 2016290. The Wind Across Qinghai Lake?
Kodansha Bunko / June, 2016291. Lady Scarlet Eyes and Her Deliquescence
Kodansha Bunko / July, 2016292. 100 lectures describing in sincerity
Daiwa Shobo / August, 2016293. 100 lectures to see through essence
Daiwa Bunko / September, 2016294. Deborah, Are You Sleeping?
Kodansha Bunko / October, 2016295. Kiwi γ in Clockwork
Kodansha Bunko / November, 2016296. The cream of the notes 5
Kodansha Bunko / December, 2016297. Do you know how to realize your dream?
Asahi Shinsho / January, 2017298. God Save the Queen
Kodansha Bunko / January, 2017299. Labyrinth in Arm of Morpheus
Kodansha Bunko / February, 2017300. Are We Under the Biofeedback?
Kodansha Bunko / February, 2017301. The mind quencher
Chuko Bunko / March, 2017302. Reminiscence
Kodansha Bunko / April, 2017303. Swindler
Kodansha Novels / May, 2017304. Did the Moon Shed a Pale Light?
Kodansha Bunko / June, 2017305. MORI Magazine
Daiwa Shobo / July, 2017306. 100 lectures describing in sincerity
Daiwa Bunko / August, 2017307. Explosive
Kodansha Bunko / September, 2017308. Did Pegasus Answer the Vanity?
Kodansha Bunko / October, 2017309. Uncharted Unknown
K K Bestsellers / November, 2017310. The cream of the notes 6
Kodansha Bunko / December, 2017311. Only the Darkness or Her Kiss
Shueisha Bunko / January, 2018312. Is It Blood, Death, or Null
Kodansha Bunko / February, 2018313. No Need of Concentration
SB Creative / March, 2018314. The Value of Reading Books
NHK Publishing / April, 2018315. The Tragedy of ψ
Kodansha Novels / May, 2018316. Where is the Sky Arrow?
Kodansha Bunko / June, 2018317. MORI Magazine 2
Daiwa Shobo / July, 2018318. Thinking everyday in the forest
Kodansha / July, 2018319. MORI Magazine
Daiwa Bunko / August, 2018320. Until Death Do Us Part
Kodansha Bunko / September, 2018321. Gyro Monorail
Gentosha Shinsho / September, 2018322. Did She Cry Humanly?
Kodansha Bunko / October, 2018323. My wind blows in my forest
Kodansha / November, 2018324. The shadow of Ideas
Chuko Bunko / November, 2018325. The cream of the notes 7
Kodansha Bunko / December, 2018326. How should we be pessimistic
Gentosha Shinsho / January, 2019327. Thinking everyday in the forest 2
Kodansha / February, 2019328. Aiming for freedom to everything
PHP Institute / March, 2019329. Uncharted Unknown
Wani Bunko / April, 2019330. The Tragedy of χ
Kodansha Bunko / May, 2019331. Still Does Demian Have Only One Brain?
Kodansha Bunko / June, 2019332. MORI Magazine 3
Daiwa Shobo / July, 2019333. Thinking everyday in the forest 3
Kodansha / August, 2019334. MORI Magazine 2
Daiwa Bunko / August, 2019335. What is interesting? How can we live interestingly?
Wani Books / September, 2019336. When Will God be Questioned?
Kodansha Bunko / October, 2019337. Anti-Organizing Life
Nippon Jitsugyo Publishing / November, 2019338. The cream of the notes 8
Kodansha Bunko / December, 2019339. Thinking everyday in the forest 4
Kodansha / January, 2020340. How Did Catherine Cooper Have a Child?
Kodansha Bunko / February, 2020341. Aiming for freedom to everything
PHP Bunko / March, 2020342. How to reduce your money?
SB Creative / April, 2020343. Swindler
Kodansha Bunko / May, 2020344. Who Created the Ghost?
Kodansha Bunko / June, 2020345. Thinking everyday in the forest 5
Kodansha / July, 2020346. An Automation in Long Sleep
Kodansha Bunko / July, 2020347. An Automation in Long Sleep
Kodansha Novels / October, 2020348. The Value of Studies
Gentosha Shinsho / November, 2020349. The cream of the notes 9
Kodansha Bunko / December, 2020350. The Void Shaper
Kodansha Novels / January, 2021351. The Blood Scooper
Kodansha Novels / March, 2021352. Are You Endangered Species?
Kodansha Bunko / April, 2021353. The Skull Breaker
Kodansha Novels / May, 2021354. The Tragedy of ψ
Kodansha Bunko / June, 2021355. The Fog Hider
Kodansha Novels / July, 2021356. The Value of Giving Up Something
Asahi Shinsho / August, 2021357. The Mind Quencher
Kodansha Novels / September, 2021358. Song End Sea
Kodansha Novels / October, 2021359. My wind blows in my forest
Kodansha Bunko / November, 2021360. The cream of the notes 10
Kodansha Bunko / December, 2021361. Anti-Organizing Life
Kodansha Bunko / March, 2022362. Where Am I on the Real Side?
Kodansha Bunko / April, 2022363. The Sky Crawlers (new edition)
Chuko Bunko / May, 2022364. None But Air (new edition)
Chuko Bunko / July, 2022365. Lost heart for Thoma
Kodansha Bunko / August, 2022366. Down to Heaven (new edition)
Chuko Bunko / September, 2022367. SAIKAWA Sohei's Last Case
Kodansha / October, 2022368. SAIKAWA Sohei's Last Case
Kodansha Novels / October, 2022369. Flutter Into Life (new edition)
Chuko Bunko / November, 2022370. The cream of the notes 11
Kodansha Bunko / December, 2022371. Spining Tops (*supervision)
Seibundo Shinkosha / December, 2022372. Cradle the Sky (new edition)
Chuko Bunko / January, 20232373. Sky Eclipse (new edition)
Chuko Bunko / March, 2023374. Whose Dream Did you See?
Kodansha Bunko / April, 2023375. Fool Lie Bow
Kodansha Bunko / July, 2023376. Scene Killer
Kodansha Novels / October, 2023377. The cream of the notes 12
Kodansha Bunko / December, 2023378. Thinking in Calm Life
K K Bestsellers / January, 2024379. Why Didn’t Elise Speak?
Kodansha Bunko / April, 2024380. How to reduce your money? (new edition)
SB Creative / June, 2024381. Song End Sea
Kodansha Bunko / July, 2024382. The cream of the notes 13
Kodansha Bunko / December, 2024
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