eBooks: Details

Down to Heaven: Episode 4, Epilogue

Down to Heaven: Episode 4, Epilogue

by MORI, Hiroshi

Translator: Ryusui Seiryoin

Cover Illustration: mm

Cover Design: mm

Release Date: March 2, 2019

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* The complete edition including all the episodes is also available.



As the duel with a senior pilot code-named the Teacher, whom I admire and respect, draws near, I am about to lose myself.
My body is tense. When I breathe, my muscles tremble. Is it a tremor of excitement?
I feel the temperature of the blood running through my body is slowly rising.

What is this spiritual elevation?
Why do we live?
Why do we climb up to the sky at the risk of our lives?

In order to learn the answer, I engage in the aerial duel with him.

This is the final installment of "Down to Heaven", the third volume of "The Sky Crawlers" series.

At the end of the book, "The Interview About Down to Heaven with Dr. MORI, Hiroshi" is also included.

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