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Cradle the Sky: Prologue, Episode 1

Cradle the Sky: Prologue, Episode 1

by MORI, Hiroshi

Translator: Ryusui Seiryoin

Cover Illustration: mm

Cover Design: mm

Release Date: June 30, 2020

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* The complete edition including all the episodes is also available.



I have been broken from the beginning. It is the reason why those in the hospital can never cure me.
I run away from the medical facility, and turn to a woman, whose name I do not remember. Then, the two of us start an escape journey.

In the first place, what am I?
I wonder who I am.

In the chaos, I cannot even recall my name, but the deadly beautiful view of the sky emerges in my mind.

Since I know it will disappear sometime in the future, I want to touch it a little bit before it is too late.
I want to reach for it, and seize it with my hand.

"Cradle the Sky," the 5th (final) novel of the series, leads to already available "The Sky Crawlers," chronologically the last story in the timeline.

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