eBooks: Details

Cradle the Sky

Cradle the Sky

by MORI, Hiroshi

Translator: Ryusui Seiryoin

Cover Illustration: mm

Cover Design: mm

Release Date: February 28, 2021

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"The Sky Crawlers" series, the masterpiece from Dr. MORI, Hiroshi, continues to attract readers in many countries with its unique worldview and sensibility. This is the complete edition of "Cradle the Sky," the fifth (final) novel of the series, and includes Prologue, Episodes 1-4, and Epilogue.

If I can't fly, I no longer live anymore. That's why I have escaped from the hospital. Someday, I will go up to the sky, to dance with a wonderful partner there again.

When I fly.
When I live.
The lighter, the better.

In the sky, only light things rise.
Only the free things climb up.

Wait for me.
Let's meet each other again.
Let's dance again.

In the beautiful sky.

The biggest and final shock awaits at the end of the story, and utterly alters the scenery of the first novel "The Sky Crawlers." You cannot speak about and discuss this series without reading this volume.

At the end of the book, "The Interview About Cradle the Sky with Dr. MORI, Hiroshi" is also included.

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